Monday, September 08, 2008

It gets better

so the point of my complaining to customer service regarding my customer experience was that those dickheads were lying to me about the server being down just to get rid of me. Apparently whoever spent ten seconds glancing at my transcript came to completely the wrong conclusion...

Dear Ms. Parry,

Thank you for contacting the Comcast Office of Rick Germano, Senior Vice
President of Customer Operations regarding the problems you experienced
with your Online account. My name is Leslie and I thank you for this
opportunity to assist you.

I can understand your frustration when you tried to pay the balance on
your account online but were unable to. We sometimes experience issues
with our servers that allow information to pass between the
website and our billing program. A block or loss of connectivity will
prevent your payment information from traveling to our Billing
Department and you will receive an error message or alert stating that
your information cannot be sent. When such a problem occurs, our
Website Developers work as quickly as possible to correct the problems
so that our customers are not inconvenienced any longer than necessary.
Once the issue is resolved then the information can once again travel
along the secure pathways between you and our offices.

Our Online chat representatives work within an intranet system where
there only access to an internet connection is through the chat program.
They are unable to send out emails from the technical support office.
Outages are monitored in another department which then posts a listing
of the problem through another intranet program. This is then viewed by
our representatives when a customer chats in regarding a related issue.

We value your feedback and I would be happy to pass on the suggestion of
an automated email notification when Outages are resolved to our
Planning Committee for future consideration.

Thank you Ms. Parry for telling us about your experience and we hope
that we can work to restore your confidence in Comcast and so that all
future contacts are positive ones. Thank you for choosing Comcast.


WTF! I wrote back saying that they completely missed my point about being lied to; the notification of outages was a total side issue and not what I was complaining about.

Thanks for responding, but you completely missed my point in sending in the transcript.

I WAS able to pay. I never got any of the connectivity messages you mention in your email. Please review the transcript because I copied the error message there.

The payment DID go through. Which means the server WAS NOT DOWN though I was repeatedly told that it WAS.

I was getting an error saying that I was trying to pay more than the balance on my account, and I was asking about that. Because of that error message, the online chat people just ASSUMED THE SERVER WAS DOWN WITHOUT ACTUALLY INVESTIGATING.

If the server were actually DOWN, MY PAYMENT WOULD NOT HAVE GONE THROUGH. Does that make any sense to you at all?

My real issue is that THEY WERE LYING TO ME TO GET RID OF ME.

Do they really think I'm that stupid? When I figured out that THEY WERE LYING TO ME AND DIDN'T REALLY KNOW THE ISSUE AT HAND they ended the chat. Poof. Gone.

THAT is why I wrote. Thanks for passing on the suggestion about outages and servers and whatnot but that is totally an irrelevant side issue in my complaint.


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